Dream meaning of friend

The dream world is full of fantasy and unreality. However, it often happens that the scenarios where dreams take place are very familiar, especially when you dream about friends.

You should know that this is a dream where your subconscious tries to show you a message which you must decipher to find out what the future holds for you or what is affecting you right now.

Dreams often clarify many situations in your current life and make you understand how you should conduct yourself through them.

Friends are people with an unconditional feeling who are always in the happy moments and in the most difficult moments of your life, becoming key pieces to give solution to those problems or comfort to your pain. It is in the difficult moments when you really discover who your friends are and they are the ones who push you to grow and be a better person.

Dreaming about friends is a dream experience that can have different interpretations. Some are more frequent and relevant than others, but it will always speak of a strong bond with a third person.

The figure of a friend within your dreams is quite a striking factor that can reveal a clue about your own behaviors.That is why you should take pains to discover what is the meaning of dreaming about friends.

Dreaming about friends usually reveals that there are certain elements of your personality that, at some point in your past, you decided to reject, but nowadays you are quite willing to accept that characteristic without any problem.

What does it mean to dream of friends?

The way in which your friends come to present themselves in your dreams usually varies a lot. It is very common that you often dream that you are with that best friend and within the dream you demonstrate that affection that you both feel for each other. On the other hand, you may also dream that you argue with a friend or that a friend betrays you, and you may even dream of a childhood friend who has come to visit you.

In general, the presence of a good friend within your dream world is undoubtedly a good omen and has a rather positive omen.Likewise,on almost all occasions, dream friends are a sign that good news will soon arrive.

However, there are times when the meaning of dreaming about friends is of a negative nature, such as dreaming about arguing with a friend, which portends the arrival of an illness.

On the other hand, it is usually very common to dream that you fall in love with your best friend or even, to dream that you marry your best friend.

This is a dream that will make you curious and make you wonder what is the meaning of dreaming about friends.

However, the interpretation of dreams is not always at a glance as this will depend largely on other aspects of the dream experience such as the details, the feeling during the dream, among others.

Dreaming of friends from the past

To dream of friends from the past is one of those dreams that portend a promising future. That project you have recently started will begin to give you good results. You may even have a mint in mind or you have just started to develop it.

Whatever you decide to undertake will have a very positive outcome for you and will make you grow as a person.

Dreams with your friends

Dreaming about your friends is a dream experience that usually appears during adolescence, a stage where your friendships are indispensable to you. At that time, these dreams are a reflection of the reality you live: the joys, the problems, the arguments and the reconciliations. You are faced with a clear dream that is stimulated by external factors.

During adulthood, dreaming about your friends can be the way your subconscious shows you your own personality. Therefore, if you see yourself arguing with a friend in your dream, you are seeing a personality trait that you need to improve.

Dreaming of old friends

Dreaming about old friends probably causes you to feel some embarrassment during the dream. This relates to your conscience. Your mind knows full well that you have made a mistake, you have done something wrong and it has marked you. Bad actions carry serious consequences and this type of dream is the method your subconscious uses to punish you.

Dreams with childhood friends

To dream of childhood friends is a dream that for many experts in onirology is related to times of immaturity. It is a dream experience that usually occurs in immature, insecure people who lead a rather carefree lifestyle.

To dream of childhood friends when they are still present and you keep relationship with them is related to the importance you give to friendship.You are a person who has great values, you are a person who gives great importance to the meaning of friendship.

Dreaming of school friends

If you have dreamed of school friends, it is a dream experience that is associated with your past. You are a person who knows how to treasure good memories and therefore your subconscious takes you to that time where everything was fun. You miss and long to relive certain moments of your childhood.

Dreams with friends you do not see

To dream of friends you don’t see reveals that right now you are missing that friendship with whom you haven’t shared for a long time, you long to laugh again with that person.

You should probably call him or her to find out how he or she has been doing and how he or she is doing right now. To dream of friends you don’t see indicates that you both miss each other.

Dreaming of dead friends

If you dreamed of dead friends it can be quite a distressing dream, however, it is not a foreboding dream.

What this dream means is that your friendship with that person has withered and it is time to place a limit on this person as you no longer consider their friendship to be reliable. In addition, this dream can also mean betrayal on your part, so you need to pay attention to all the details of your dream as this can come true in your life.

Dreams with gathering of friends

To dream of meeting friends is a quite positive dream, it reveals that all this support you receive will be rewarded with other successes. All these friendships are attributed to good news, successes at the professional, personal and love level.

You will have a great life and you will rarely have to face any problems. In case you are still single, get ready because sooner rather than later you will meet the love of your life.

Dreaming of close friends

To dream of close friends is interpreted as meaning that they are undoubtedly people who are comfortable with your presence, and even your close friends feel strongly that your friendship with them has remained intact over time, staying just as fresh as when you first met.

If during the dream you see that your friend is somewhat distant, you should know that right now he is going through a moment of depression in his life and he needs you to support him.

Other meanings of dreams with friends

To dream of seeing a friend and not talking to him is a dream that will undoubtedly cause you some concern. We all talk to our friends when we see them. However, you should not worry, this dream experience reveals that this person is willing to lend you their support unconditionally. But, if during the dream you see that this person moves away until he/she gets lost in the horizon, it reveals that although you have many projects and goals to accomplish, you have no one to help you.

To dream that you argue with a friend from the past is another dream experience that will awaken you with the curiosity to know its meaning. This is a dream where you should analyze the importance of that old friend in your life and what is the reason why you argue with him. This may be a revelation about your life: probably certain personal matters, whether at home, work or business, are not going well. If you do not attend to these problems quickly, you will soon have unpleasant surprises.

To dream of friends dressed in black is your subconscious’s way of revealing to you that you are in poor health or financial condition. This is a dream that alerts you to take the necessary precautions to take care of your health and your economy.

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The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke
The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke

Dreaming of a friend tends to be favorable to your interests. It usually indicates confidence and support, as well as hope and comfort. The appearance of the friend will reveal the state of your relationship. So, if she looks good it indicates that the friendship is solid.
On the contrary, if your friend appears to be in bad shape, it means that the friendship is declining. It never hurts to visit whoever you have seen in dreams.

This dream also warns you to be alert, because it is possible that the oneiric friend represents an aspect of your personality that you do not accept or that you fear. You must do everything possible to integrate it into your character and make the best of it.

Dreaming of a true friend portends good news.

If our friend is in trouble, that news will be disadvantageous.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

Any demonstration of true friendship in a dream is a straightforward prediction of happy social times with good companions. Dreaming of distant friends is generally a forerunner of unexpected news, good or sad depending on whether or not they were in trouble in your dream.

Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson
Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson

Your friends support you, tell you what you need to know, and spend time with you. To many people, their friends play an even more significant role in their current lives than their families, so this important social group says a lot when its members show up in your dreams.

To dream of having fun with friends means you feel supported and protected by the very presence of your social network.
To dream your friends reject you or ignore you symbolizes your fear that you might have lost a connection with your group or with an individual friend.
To dream your friends try to get you to do something you don’t want to do suggests that you feel pressure within your social network. Didn’t your friends use to make your life easier?
To dream a friend has betrayed you is a warning. You might not have even realized that you have trust issues with someone.
To dream of a particular friend could mean you need to spend more time with that person, or that person has become particularly important to you.
To dream of sexual contact with friends simply means you feel a strong connection. Don’t let it freak you out!
To dream of having a friend or group of friends you don’t actually have – dream friends – symbolizes your desire to broaden your social network. You may be ready for some new influences, even if you still cherish the old ones.

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Dream Dictionary