Dream meaning of married

You may find it hard to believe, but dreaming about getting married is more common than you think. This dream experience is more common in women because for them the union that establishes marriage has a much deeper meaning. The truth is that, just like any other dream you may have, dreaming that you get married can have different interpretations.

In order to talk about dream interpretation it is necessary to use as a reference a man who in the early twentieth century developed a study called “Interpretation of Dreams”. According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are the reflection of our unconscious desires, what on a conscious level we cannot verbalize or express because of fear, ethics or shame. The reason why this happens is because we prefer to avoid suffering and obtain pleasure. That is why dreams are unique, because they belong to your self, that is the set of experiences, emotions and thoughts of each individual. This means that understanding the meaning of dreams depends a lot on one’s own interpretation. Although there are guides and studies that help to achieve this interpretation, only you have the power to correctly understand the message that your subconscious sends through dreams.

Dreaming that you get married can have different edges or interpretations which are given according to the details experienced in the dream. Almost always dreaming that you get married is an omen of disaster, death or misfortune, but psychologists think differently. For dream experts, dreaming that you get married is a sign of internal anxiety about what the future holds. You feel that the future challenges or terrifies you.

In this case, dreaming that you are getting married is a dream experience that reveals the beginning of a completely different stage in your life where personal joy and happiness will stand out. This satisfaction will be the reward for achieving your goals, especially those you have longed for and to which you have dedicated a lot of effort.

What does it mean to dream that you get married?

What does it mean to dream of married

To dream that you get married, whether you are the one getting married or not, is closely related to the advent of unexpected events or news that will turn your routine upside down. Likewise, it is possible to give other meanings to this dream experience, depending on how the dream develops. For example, if in the dream it is you who is getting married or if at the moment of dreaming that you are getting married, in your real life you are also planning a nuptial link. On the other hand, if you dream that you see the wedding, even if you have already contracted nuptials or attend a marriage of a third person, the meanings are completely different, but always attached to the wishes.

Although for many people dreaming that you get married is a bad omen, a sign that a negative event is coming, you should know that dreaming that you get married is one of the dream experiences with the most extensive amount of interpretations that you can deduce. The meaning of your dream will vary depending on what you feel during the dream experience, what the groom or bride looks like, the colors that stand out during the dream, among others. These details will define the new changes in your future.

Dreaming that you marry your ex

This dream may disturb you a little since your ex is a person from the past with whom you have broken all sentimental relationship, making a possible nuptial union impossible. However, dreaming that you marry your ex does not have any literal meaning, it is a sign that you have learned your lesson from that relationship and have accepted the breakup. It is also a sign that you recognize similar characteristics between your ex and the person in your current relationship.

Dreams that you marry your boyfriend

Depending on the details of the dream experience, dreaming that you marry your boyfriend may indicate that you should review and question the current state of your relationship. Pay attention to your feelings during the dream – do you feel happy or unhappy about marrying your boyfriend? It may indicate that you will renew your commitment, as well as remind you of the love you share with your boyfriend.

Dreaming that you get married dressed in white

This is a very pleasant dream experience, especially because for women it is a must-have wedding cliché. To dream that you get married dressed in white is good luck, you will soon receive an offer for a new job and you will have the joy of meeting new friends. Another meaning of dreaming that you get married dressed in white is that you find yourself reflecting on your current relationship.

Dreams that you are getting married but not getting married

You may find dreaming that you are getting married but not getting married a little disturbing. To see that in the dream you are about to get married but for some reason this nuptial link does not take place is a clear sign that you still feel love for one of your previous partners. You should evaluate your feelings well, especially if you are planning to get married.

Dreaming that you marry someone you don’t know

This dream can be a bit unsettling, whether you are enjoying singleness or are already in a nuptial relationship. To dream that you marry someone you don’t know varies in meaning depending on how you feel in the dream: if you feel happy, then you need to venture into new experiences, whereas if you don’t like what you feel, it is a sign that you fear falling into a situation that limits you as a person. When you dream that you marry a stranger then it is time to apply changes to your life, start meeting new people and live new experiences.

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