Dream meaning of anger

Some dreams can leave us with bitter tastes, because they make us experience certain emotions. Anger in visions can make you wake up worried about the amount of energy charge. For that reason, it can create confusion in your mind, do you think you could be angry in real life? Dreaming of anger can tell you many things about yourself.

Anger in any dream shows that you are currently experiencing some kind of threat, and that this reflects your feeling of denying yourself something that is important to you. If the dream showed violence or more than one person who was aggressive, then you need to make sure you express yourself to the right people and in the right way.

Having a dream vision in which you are expressing anger represents an awareness of frustration or agitation. You may be experiencing frustrations and disappointments with others, frustration with yourself or a need to be more assertive than you want to be. This dream also indicates strong feelings of jealousy or low self-esteem.

General Meanings of Dreaming About Anger

  1. Unresolved Emotions: Dreaming of anger might indicate that you are experiencing unresolved feelings of frustration, resentment, or irritation in your waking life. The dream could be a reflection of these emotions that need to be acknowledged and addressed.
  2. Inner Conflict: Anger can also symbolize inner conflict or turmoil. Dreaming about anger might suggest that you are grappling with conflicting desires or thoughts, causing turmoil within yourself.
  3. Expression and Assertiveness: Anger is a powerful emotion that can signify the need to assert yourself or communicate your boundaries. Dreaming of anger might indicate that you have unexpressed feelings or that you need to assert your opinions more forcefully.

Specific Interpretations of Dreaming About Anger

  1. Feeling Angry: If you dream of feeling angry, it could be a reflection of your waking life emotions. This dream might encourage you to examine the source of your anger and find healthy ways to address it.
  2. Expressing Anger: Dreaming of expressing anger towards someone could represent a desire to confront a situation or person that has been bothering you. This dream might be a reminder to address conflicts rather than suppressing them.
  3. Being the Target: If you dream of someone being angry at you, it could indicate feelings of guilt or a fear of facing the consequences of your actions. This dream might encourage you to address any situations where you might have wronged someone.
  4. Anger Towards Yourself: Dreaming of feeling anger towards yourself might indicate self-criticism or a lack of self-compassion. This dream could suggest that you need to be gentler with yourself and practice self-care.

What does it mean to dream of anger?

Dreams in which you are angry are a bad sign. You will have difficulties in relationships. It is also possible that someone in your family will suffer an illness. Anger may be a harbinger of poor health. Experiencing anger means that malicious gossip will be made by certain people close to you. If someone makes you angry in your dream, it means that you will be successful at work.

Conversely, if you make someone angry, this refers to the emotional despair you will soon experience. Anger in old dream dictionaries suggests digestive problems. However, everything can vary depending on the force with which you were angry, with whom you were angry, if you cried or not, and so on. For that reason, we tell you better the details of this vision.

Dreaming of anger with your partner

If you dreamed of anger with your partner, it is an omen of your desire to escape from the routine and mundanity of everyday life. You should think carefully about the situation before making a decision. You are being taken advantage of financially. This dream refers to your carefree and relaxed attitude, you need to be more selective or conserve your energy.

Dreams with anger and crying

If you have dreamed of anger and crying it is because someone made an attack on your pride. You need to pick up your pace and work to achieve your goals faster and more efficiently, as you are becoming too indifferent towards them. Your dream refers to the darker, more sinister side of your personality. You are trying to disconnect from the unbearable pain you are experiencing in one aspect of your life.

Dreaming of anger at work

Those who dream of anger at work will see their achievements completed. These people need to make certain changes in their lives and direct their energies towards more worthwhile endeavors. The dream is a prediction that you should express your feelings to your loved ones. You need more affection or you should show more love.

Dreams with anger with your boyfriend

Having a dream vision with anger with your boyfriend denotes that you need to exert your dominance in some situation or relationship. You are underestimating your own abilities and yourself. You need to add a little more fun and variety to your life. This dream is a sign of your actions and their consequences, you should think first before you say something you may regret.

Dreaming of a lot of anger

Dreaming of a lot of anger can be unsettling, but pay attention and try to handle all your emotions in a more appropriate and productive way. Whatever the external element that makes you feel anger in the dream, it symbolizes the importance of being able to control the anger that keeps you from enjoying your life.

Dreams of anger with your mother

If you have felt anger with your mother in dreams, it indicates your lack of judgment and your gullibility or innocence. You have let the worst of you come out and you cannot control the consequences. You are too busy trying to keep up with your fast pace. Your dream is a harbinger of guilt or shame for your actions. You are being too nice and complacent, to the point of losing your own sense of identity.

To dream of feeling angry

When we dream of feeling angry it is because it highlights indecision or your ever-changing attitudes toward some situation or problem. You are no longer sure of who you are. You feel that you cannot express yourself and communicate your feelings. The dream expresses emotions of low self-esteem or being overwhelmed. You are hurting yourself with your reckless behaviors and activities.

Dreams of anger with your spouse

Dreams of anger with your husband denote your failed attempts to rectify past mistakes. You are not living up to the expectations others have of you. You are not even seeing something clearly within your relationship and this is affecting you emotionally. It’s time to talk clearly with your partner and determine what you want to do in the future.


Interpreting dreams is a subjective process influenced by your unique experiences, emotions, and psychological landscape. When you dream about anger, consider the emotions and details of the dream. Anger can symbolize unresolved emotions, inner conflicts, and the need for assertiveness.

By exploring these interpretations, you can gain insights into your subconscious desires and emotional landscape. Remember that dream meanings are personal, and reflecting on how the symbolism resonates with your life can offer valuable insights into your ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

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The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

A dream of contrary. If your anger was directed at someone you know, you will benefit materially through a friend; if the object or cause of your anger was unknown to you, you will soon be celebrating some joyous good news. 

Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson
Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson

People often dream they are angry when they won’t let themselves be angry in real life. Getting angry in your dreams doesn’t hurt anybody, so this is the time to let ’er rip.

If you dream of an angry outburst, you are releasing a repressed feeling.
If you dream of suppressing anger, something is trying to come out, but you aren’t letting it free. Maybe it was something you ate.
If someone else is angry at you, you feel guilty about something and your dream is punishing you. Can you make it right?
Anger resulting in violence means your feelings have gotten intense. What’s got you so worked up? Can you inject a dose of objectivity into the situation?

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Dream Dictionary