Dream meaning of warning

To receive a warning in your dream indicates that something in your waking life is in need of your attention. The dream may serve to make you stop and rethink the consequences of your action or decision.

To dream that you are warning someone suggests that you need to recognize the dangers or negatives of some situation. You need to bring this to the surface.

To dream of warning symbolizes that you have a different outlook on life and are moving toward a new direction in life. You will overcome any obstacles with relative ease. There is no turning back once you move forward with your goals. You are trying to be more profitable and more flexible. A relationship or situation will eventually survive turbulence/crisis or difficulties.

To dream of warning symbolizes that family continues to take care of you or demands more of you every day. You are free to do with your life what you want. Personal appearance is transformed for the better. You deserve to have enough to live in a relaxed way. Only those who evolve and accept change grow and advance.

To dream of a warning symbolizes that you will have a date that need not be romantic, but one in which you will feel very good. Serious and responsible people will be helping you in whatever you need. You will find that you have a lot in common with this person. Communication will be the key to success. You will find who loves you, and who hates you as well.

Take it easy and you will advance more than you think. Live in the present, anchor yourself in the here and now, and keep growing to be happy.

Analyze why you have distanced yourself, and act accordingly. If you have a bad day, try to understand, pamper, and listen to yourself, but don’t take it out on anyone.

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The Dream Encyclopedia

A warning in a dream is often a warning about something in our everyday life, though it could also be an unwarranted feeling of alarm. Alternatively, a dream warning could be a message that something in our life needs attention.

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