Dream meaning of drugs

To dream of drugs indicates that these dreamers have little interest in seeking a solution to their problems. And for this reason, they always resort to this type of substances as a measure of defense or isolation. As they cannot do it in normal life, the subconscious brings out the interaction to mitigate some problems.

It is important to highlight the consequences that this addiction can have on us.

As we know when we feel that we are under the effects of the drug, we are immersed in a world totally different from reality. The subconscious through our inner self, tries to make sense of this situation.

Therefore, dreaming of drugs denotes that we are entering a stage of emergency, where once we enter, it is very difficult for us to free ourselves from it.

Many changes can occur when we are under the effects of drugs, ranging from loss of consciousness, to fall into a stage of violence. However, on a dream level, dreaming about drugs reflects our inability to cope with problems.

We feel without the support of our environment, it would be a little difficult to detach ourselves from the negative consequences of what is considered a toxic and harmful world.

What does it mean to dream of drugs?

This type of dreams can have different interpretations, due to the fact that there are many reasons that make this substance a way out of their problems.

The meaning of dreaming about drugs presents different scenarios on an emotional and spiritual level.

Generally, these dreamers enter a trance that leads them to a period of transition and it is important to have the support of experts in the field so that they do not fall into depression.

Remember that around you may be the solution to such problem, or simply the people who can link you to use drugs, but it is in these dreamers to make the best decision for your life.

To dream of drugs means, that we are in a covert world and that we cannot show openly because of the rejection that this may cause in others. You have dark thoughts and are oblivious to, what is actually happening around you.

Dreaming of drugs and policemen

As we know drugs are the symbol of a joy that is presented in these dreamers, but that its effect passes very quickly. Sometimes it is difficult to decipher the real reasons why these dreams occur.

When dreaming of drugs and policemen, we feel that we are committing a crime from which we cannot escape. It denotes feeling imprisoned, since there is no way to solve a problem.

The limits to which drugs can take us are unknown to these dreamers. However, as it is considered an escape measure, it can be a very repetitive dream which usually occurs due to depression, disappointments, etc.

To dream of drugs and police sometimes symbolizes health problems, which if not treated in time, can generate chronic ailments in the future.

Dreams with illicit drugs

To dream of illicit drugs means that we see life in a negative light. That is, we are not able to face our own problems, because we consider that everything is easily solved.

We can also analyze how these dreamers obtain in an easy way what they possess, although in their conscience they feel a very great feeling of guilt, they try to balance the surreal world of reality.

According to other theories of experts in the dream world, if we have dreamt with illicit drugs, it is because there is something that we lack to complement our lives.

There is an absence of values such as respect, lack of judgment and a sense of coherence. For that reason, if you frequently dream of drugs, it may be that you are not having the support of your family and you feel isolated from your social environment.

Dreams with drugs and money

The economic plane is highlighted in this dream, the possibility of obtaining large sums of money due to drugs, means that you do not have responsibilities in a stable job.

Take into account that money is something you can have today, but tomorrow it may be gone. On the other hand, your reputation as a person may be lost and you will never be trusted again.

Dreams with drugs and money invite us to be alert, since we can get into trouble from which it will not be easy to get out.

If you have dreamed of drugs and money, it indicates a lack of concentration in business and that you are not able to demonstrate your knowledge.

For this reason it is time to stop thinking about getting easy money, and let others see everything you can do to reverse this situation. Focus on doing things right so that tomorrow, you will not regret having made bad decisions in life.

Dreaming about drugs and friends

Your circle of friends may be directly affecting you.

For that reason, dreaming about drugs and friends indicates a lack of trust, an easy escape from problems and a bad reputation.

It is important that you take a moment of your life and reflect if you really believe that you are doing the best for you and your family, remember that the opportunities to improve are very few and you should make the most of them.

Dreams with drugs and drug addicts

This type of dream is directly linked to the way we see things to get out of a problem easily.

To dream of drugs and drug addicts is associated with not being able to forget the problems, since it is an easy escape route. It portends bad times in the economic and personal level, as well as a very troubled time, because those people in whom you trusted, will turn their back on you.

To dream of selling drugs

If we dream that we sell drugs, it indicates that we are not accepting a new stage that is presented in our lives, as well as the changes that are to come.

This type of suffering generates a lot of stress and anguish, because we do not really know what role we want to assume in relation to a great project that is about to materialize. In which, we have a lot of support but we refuse to accept it.

To dream of hidden drugs

For this dream it is important to note that due to the war that exists against drug trafficking, these dreamers tend to be very secretive about the bad habits in which they are immersed.

If you have dreamed of hidden drugs, it means that you need to isolate yourself so as not to feel pressured by your social environment. The invitation of the subconscious is to face difficulties in a mature way.

Dreams with drugs and alcohol

Lack of conscience, low sense of responsibility and a world that only exists for the dreamers, is what it means to dream of drugs and alcohol.

These dreamers, according to the different contexts presented in this type of dreams, usually resort to alcohol and drugs as a measure of isolation.

Since they do not feel able to assume their big problems in which they are immersed, and they like to get the easy way to forget about them.

Dreaming of drugs and death

To dream of drugs and death denotes that there are serious problems around these dreamers.

This dream presents a dark world where the protagonists are sinister people who enjoy watching the lives of others being destroyed.

They have no limits to cover up immense pain such as the death of a family member, a child or a friend. They are people who lack feelings and enjoy seeing others suffer.

Dreaming of hallucinogenic drugs

In order to interpret this type of dream, we must first take into account that dreaming of hallucinogenic drugs means that we should give more importance to the opinion of those around us.

Since it can be of great help when it comes to making important decisions, related to business that can bring us great profits. And for such reason we must use our logic and reason, to avoid misunderstandings.

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The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke
The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke

Dreaming that you use drugs or you look at drugs evidences you want to escape using dangerous means that will eventually pull you away from family and friends. Dreaming it too often alerts of the possibility of falling into this world.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

The meaning of this dream varies greatly according to the details of its action. If you dreamed of being drugged to the extent that it interfered with, or altered, your normal movements and/or behavior, it is a warning that there is active jealousy around you from someone who would not only be ready and willing to make capital of any mistake you might make but might even try to mislead you into making one. Be extra careful of your actions following this dream.

Drugs used in a dream as an antidote to pain predict an increase in income, but to take drugs as a lark signifies that someone is trying to lead you astray. If your dream featured addiction or an addict, it is telling you to stop drifting and take a more positive role in life.

A dream of giving or selling drugs suggests that you have some dishonesty around you and you’d do well to reassess your current companions. Of course the foregoing applies only if you don’t actually use drugs.

Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox
Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox

You may be looking for an instant but temporary shift of consciousness. All drugs dramatically alter the experience of the individual taking them. Hence, they represent a shift in consciousness that is controlled by the user and is instantaneous. Also inherent in considering this symbol is the matter of consequences.

When many substances are abused, especially recreational drugs, there is a disregard for the potential harm they can cause and the often challenging aftereffects of their use. The desire for the high outweighs the difficulties that result from the overindulgence.

When drugs appear in a dream, there may be a life situation where you are looking for a quick fix rather than the more difficult path of meeting things consciously.

Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson
Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson

To dream of doing illegal drugs represents a risk you might take or have recently taken. You aren’t sure you should have done it, but how you feel about the drugs in the dream represents how you feel about this risk. Did you enjoy it? Was it worth it? Do you fear the consequences?

If you dream of doing drugs when you are trying to kick a drug habit, your body is rebelling against the new restriction, like a troublesome toddler who isn’t getting its way.

If you dream of doing drugs when you would never actually consider doing drugs, you are in the mood to be a little daring. Can you exercise your adventurous spirit without compromising your health or breaking the law?

If you dream of taking legal drugs for a medical condition, you seek a remedy for a problem and you are hoping for a quick fix, but watch out for the side effects.

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Dream Dictionary