Dream meaning of buttocks

Dreams of the buttocks can represent issues of support, sexuality or body image. The details of the dream and the feeling tone will help you find a more decisive message.

This part of the body is typically a bad sign. Whether they are beautiful or deformed and drooping, they augur all kinds of nasty remarks and humiliations. In the first case, it warns of a possible cheating partner; in the second, of an embarrassing action.

To see your buttocks in your dream represent your instincts and urges.

The dream also indicates your feelings of insecurity and reveals your struggles with some situation.

To dream that your buttocks are misshaped suggest undeveloped or wounded aspects of your psyche.

To dream that someone is smelling or kissing your butt indicates that someone in your life is not being genuine about her or his intentions.

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The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke
The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke

This part of the body is typically a bad sign. Whether they are beautiful or deformed and drooping, they augur all kinds of nasty remarks and humiliations. In the first case, it warns of a possible cheating partner; in the second, of an embarrassing action. 

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

The meaning of this dream varies according to its details, but it is a generally good omen. Whether the buttocks were your own or someone else’s, you can anticipate happy times ahead. If they were animal buttocks, the indication is of financial luck. If the dream involved being kicked in the buttocks, you can be sure of a steady rise in status; but if you did the kicking, you will have to cope with some foolish jealousy in your immediate circle.

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Dream Dictionary