Dream meaning of bracelet

Any adornment is ultimately about drawing attention to yourself. In the case of jewelry, the meaning is found by examining the part of the body that the item features. The hands are about creative expression, and the wrists add an element of flexibility in that arena. A bracelet in a dream is about highlighting a desire to be more creative and expressive.

If you dream of wearing a bracelet on your right hand, then this symbolizes that you are reaching for what you want in life. If the bracelet is worn on your left hand, then you are waiting for what you want to come to you. If it is a charm bracelet consider the symbolic nature of the charm(s).
This dream is forecasting that you will get what you want.

If you dream someone gives you a bracelet, that person, or someone they represent, means well but wants to control you.

To see in your dreams a bracelet encircling your arm, the gift of lover or friend, is assurance of an early marriage and a happy union.
If a young woman lose her bracelet she will meet with sundry losses and vexations.
To find one, good property will come into her possession.

Charm Bracelet

To see or wear a charm bracelet in your dream is symbolic of protection from any harm.

Consider the symbolism of the specific charm for additional significance.



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The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

Whether your main concern is money or love, this is a fortunate dream, unless you lost or broke the bracelet, in which case prepare for a disappointment in love or a financial setback. 

Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox
Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox

Any adornment is ultimately about drawing attention to yourself. In the case of jewelry, the meaning is found by examining the part of the body that the item features. The hands are about creative expression, and the wrists add an element of flexibility in that arena.

A bracelet in a dream is about highlighting a desire to be more creative and expressive.

Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson
Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson

If you dream someone gives you a bracelet, that person, or someone they represent, means well but wants to control you. 

The Complete Dream Book » Gillian Holloway
The Complete Dream Book » Gillian Holloway

A happy marriage that will occur soon is foretold if you dream of wearing a bracelet given you by a friend.

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