Dream meaning of basement

To dream that you are in a basement, foretells that you will see prosperous opportunities abating, and with them, pleasure will dwindle into trouble and care.(See also: Cellar)

Physical Physical
Since a basement contains equipment, like the furnace and water heater, its condition hints at your physical condition. You’re exploring issues concerning sexuality.
Emotional Emotional
You’re focusing on your subconscious where repressed ideas, memories, fears, and dangers lurk.
Spiritual Spiritual
You’re examining the foundations of your life, where you keep what needs to be worked on. Here you access the inner resources you need to maintain your world or handle emergencies.
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The Dream Encyclopedia

Unless one’s dream flows directly out of associations with an actual basement, the connotations of an underground room are obvious enough, which is that a basement represents the unconsciousness.

Freudians view basements as symbols of sexual energy.

Being afraid of going into a basement in a dream, for example, often symbolizes fear of the unknown or fear of repressed aspects of oneself. And being locked in the basement can indicate feeling immobilized by the power of the unconscious.

The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke
The Big Dictionary of Dreams » Martha Clarke

Buildings represent the personality of the dreamer, and the basement, equally as with other underground spaces, is a symbol of the interior of the body, the deepest levels of the mind. Because of this, it is associated with the hidden part of your being, that which is guarded closely from strangers.

It is the place of your fears, problems, and feelings of guilt or regret. Once you manage to bring light to this place, there will be nothing that can resist you. In terms of dreams, dreaming of a basement full of food or treasures means that you have the sufficient resources to resolve your problems. You will not need to ask for external help. In contrast, if you glimpse a basement full of pottery, you may be mistakenly judging your situation, you should abstain from participating in unclear issues.

Popular superstition says that dreaming of a basement full of wine signifies that you will get great benefits in an unreliable manner.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett
The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams » Stearn Robinson & Tom Corbett

You need to be firm about refusing plans which don’t really appeal to you. 

Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox
Complete Dictionary of Dreams » Dr. Michael Lennox

A dream about the basement is connecting you to deep secrets, hidden or unconscious thoughts. A house represents the self, and therefore the basement would be the s elf below the self . As such, any dream of a basement connects with unconscious material and anything that lurks below the surface of your psyche.

Since many basements are dark and gloomy, they can have an aura of menace about them.

This notion is exploited in the media – such as scary basements in films where no one escapes unharmed – making the symbolic meaning of this image connect to the shadow and those things we are afraid of in life.

Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson
Dream Dictionary » Eve Adamson & Gayle Williamson

The basement of a house symbolizes your hidden inner desires and your deep-seated instinctual (what’s that smell?) side. This is the you you don’t show the world but that lurks within, for better or for worse. The condition of the basement represents the current condition of your instinctual (there’s that smell again) side, your deepest urges and desires.

A dark, frightening basement signifies your recognition that parts of you scare even you. That’s okay; that’s why you keep them in the basement. Look at them when you are ready.
A pleasant, clean, lighted, well-organized basement means you have nothing to hide.
A basement you didn’t know was there means you have the potential to feel things you haven’t felt before. You may be about to discover new emotions and strong urges or desires you’ve always kept hidden away. It’s time to go down there and explore.

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Dream Dictionary